Darryl Murphy
Senior Education Officer - Student Support Services Division
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.235
Email: darryl
Amanda Butler
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.275
Email: amandabutler
Denise Penny
Special Education Program Specialist
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.233
Email: dpenny
Brenda Williams
Special Eduction Program Specialist
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.236
Email: brendawilliams
Patti Winsor
Inclusion /Safe Schools Specialist
Phone:(709) 292-5712 .ext.238
Email: pattiwinsor
Glenda Truitt
Teacher for Blind & Visually Impaired
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.271
Email: gtruitt
Lenir Sommerville
Teacher for Blind & Visually Impaired
Phone:(709) 292-5732 .ext.
Email: lenirsommerville
Tina Royle
Teacher for Deaf & Hard of Hearing (on leave)
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.272
Email: tina
Kelly Cribb
Teacher for Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Phone:(709) 292-5734 .ext.290
Email: kellycribb
Keith Adey
Educational Psychologist
Phone:(709) 292-5727 .ext.292
Email: keithadey
Genevieve Bouzane
Educational Psychologist
Phone:(709) 629-3241 .ext.
Email: genevievebouzanne
Nancy Eaton
Educational Psychologist
Phone:(709) 673-2756 .ext.
Email: nancyeaton
Chris Hodder
Educational Psychologist
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.250
Email: chrishodder
Michelle Puddister
Speech Language Pathologist (on leave)
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.269
Email: michelle
Mary Lou Adey
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 292-5735 .ext.
Email: marylouadey
Veronica Barter
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.273
Email: vbarter
Michele Critchley
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 292-5711 .ext.
Email: michellecritchley
Giselle Fraser
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 256-8662 .ext.
Email: gfraser
Natalie Finlay
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 292-5730 .ext.250
Email: nataliefinlay
Sonya Hann
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.243
Email: sonya
Tara Grant
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 292-5729 .ext.295
Email: taragrant
Barbara Mercer
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 292-5733 .ext.
Email: barbaramercer
Felicia Kelly
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.274
Email: felicia
Terri Kennedy
Speech Language Pathologist
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.312
Email: terri
Dayle Denney
Educational Psychologist
Phone:(709) 673-3796 .ext.
Email: dayle
Steve Dicks
Itinerant Guidance Assessor
Phone:(709) 292-5706 .ext.236
Email: sdicks
Robert Hiscock
Educational Psychologist
Phone:(709) 533-2443 .ext.
Email: rhiscock
Collett Kelly
Positive Behavioural Interventions and Support Itinerant
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.306
Email: ckelly
Sharon Stokes
Behavioural Support Specialist
Phone:(709) 256-2547 .ext.278
Email: sharonstokes
Mailing Address

District Headquarters
203 Elizabeth Dr
Gander, NL
A1V 1H6
Tel: 709-256-2547
Fax: 709-651-3044

Regional Education Office
P.O. Box 70
Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
A2A 2J3
Tel: 709-489-2168
Fax: 709-489-6585