Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting

September 28, 2004


Location:            Grand Falls/Windsor Regional Office




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                      Mr. Randell Mercer (Director)

Ms. Linda Cutler                                                   Mr. Shawn Brace

Ms. Carolyn Andrews                                                           Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                                            Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Terry Brown                                                  Ms. Bonnie Lane-McCarthy

Mr. Randy Edison                                                  Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Gerald Hounsell

Ms. Lisa Wheeler

Mr. Clar Brown

Mr. Greg Roberts


This meeting was rescheduled from September 21, 2004 due to weather.


The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.


The Director introduced the staff to the board members.


The Chairman welcomed Mr. Dave Antle, Principal of Exploits Valley High-Maple and Mr. Thomas Kendall as observers.


1.            Approval of Agenda


At the Chair’s request to review the agenda, the following items were added:


6.7            Social Strategic Plan

6.8            Communications (district to schools)


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated with the inclusion of items referenced above.  (Hounsell/C. Brown).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1            Transitional Committee Meeting - August 17, 2004


Motion:            to accept the Transitional Committee Minutes of August 17, 2004 as circulated.  (Cutler/Wheeler).  Carried.




2.2            Final Board Meetings of Former School Boards


Motion:            to accept the Minutes of the former Lewisporte/Gander School District of June 21, 2004 as circulated.  (Hounsell/Pritchett).  Carried.


Motion:            to accept the Minutes of the former Baie Verte/Central/Connaigre School Board of June 15, 2004 as circulated.  (Roberts/C. Brown).  Carried.


3.            Business Arising


3.1            District Name Change


A letter has been sent to the Minister requesting the name change.  To date there has been no response.  The Director felt there will be no problem with this approved. Letterhead, signage, etc are being changed to reflect the new name and logo.


3.2            New Members


A letter has been sent to the Minister requesting 5 additional members to the Board.  In a conversation with the Minister, the Director was informed that he saw no difficulty with this request but stated gender equity was an issue that he would have to be cognizant of.


3.3            NLSBA Insurance Coverage


There is blanket coverage for all trustees.  The Board members requested a copy of the policy.


3.3            Administration Grant Shortfall


A request was made to the Department of Education for an increase in the administrative grant of $350,000.  Subsequently approval for $200,000 was granted.  The Deputy Minister has been written again requesting further reconsideration of the outstanding revenue shortfall.  To date no response has been received.


3.4            Update Carmanville and Eastport School Arrangements 2004


The Director reported that the Board went through the process of requesting permission from the Department of Works and Services to take on the responsibility for constructing the temporary accommodations for these two schools.  Permission was subsequently received from the Minister to do this at mid-summer.  The 2 projects were completed in a 6-week time period and preliminary figures suggest the projects will come in under budget.  The workers have been commended for a job well done.

4.         Reports


4.1            Director’s Report


                        The Director distributed a written report and reviewed the highlights.


Motion:            to accept the Director’s Report as circulated.  (Andrews/Pritchett).  Carried.


4.2            NLSBA


The Chairperson read a letter from Vi Parsons, President of NLSBA, informing boards of Mr. Brian Shortall’s appointment to the position of Executive Director to the NLSBA effective September 1, 2004.


Mr. Shortall has made visits to all school boards offices to meet with the Directors and Chairs.  A meeting has been called of the NLSBA Board of Governors and School Board Directors on September 29, 2004.


Discussion took place re attending the NLSBA meeting.  The Chair and/or Director will arrange to join the meeting via teleconference.


It was suggested that Mr. Shortall be invited out to an Orientation Session with the Board to familiarize Trustees with NLSBA services and roles.


5.            Correspondence


There was a suggestion made by Board Members that copies of correspondence be made and circulated to Board Members prior to attending the board meeting if that corrspondence appears on the agenda for action.  Items for communication purposes only will be circulated at the meeting.


5.1        Distant Education and Small Schools concern by parent to be tabled and to go to a Program-Personnel Committee meeting for consideration and recommendation to the Board.


5.2        Robert Lewis, Chair, Community Food Bank, Bishops Falls, Grand Falls, Windsor


Mr. Lewis was inquiring re gymnasium space at the Regional Office for the period November 20 – December 19, 2004 to prepare food hampers.  Discussion ensued re liability.  The Director stated that the Regional Office and Headquarters are training centers.  The Board asked senior staff to further investigate property on Lind Avenue as a viable alternative.


Motion:            to give permission to the Food Bank to use the gym of the Regional Office from November 20 – December 19, 2004 if not required for the School District use.  (Brown/Edison).  Carried.

5.3            Minister to Oliver Langdon, September 23, 2004


That $4,500 would be given to supplement the school council fundraiser for the purchase of lockers at Bay d’Espoir Academy.  The Minister informed the Director at a recent meeting that this was new money from the Department of Education, not special incentive funds.



5.4            Thomas Kendall – E-mail


This correspondence was distributed to Board Members.  Consideration of a response will be addressed at the next board meeting.


6.         New Business


6.1            Ratification of Hirings


Motion:            to ratify the District Office Staff Appointments as presented by the Director in his wriitten report.  (Hounsell/C. Brown).  Carried.


6.2            Appointment of Committees


Each board member was asked to indicate the committee he/she would like to serve on.  The following is the membership of the Board Committees:


Governance & System Review


Terry Brown (Chair)

Gerald Hounsell

Clar Brown




Carolyn Andrews (Chair)

Randy Edison

Linda Cutler


Finance - Property


Scott Pritchett (Chair)

Greg Roberts

Lisa Wheeler


Motion:            that the above referenced committees and the noted membership and chairs be approved, and that the chairs of the these committees form the executive of the Board.  (Andrews/C. Brown).  Carried.

6.3            Official Opening Ceremonies – New World Island Academy


The date for the official opening of New World Island Academy will be scheduled during the week of November 22 to 26, 2004.  The Director is to write the Minister of Education to firm up a date and invite him to the opening.


6.4            School Council Protocol Approvals


Motion:            to approve the Protocol Agreement Appendix B from Sandstone Elementary, Ladle Cove as circulated by the Chair.  (Pritchett/Hounsell).  Carried.



Motion:                        to extend the meeting for 15 minutes.  (Pritchett/C. Brown).  Carried.


Mr. Edison asked for it to be noted that he voted against this motion.



6.5            Bus Accident


The Director briefly reported on the recent bus accident on Grenfell Heights.  There was no fault by the board or employee.  All students are doing well.  The employee is still on sick leave.  The Director made contact with all parents.


6.6            Trustee Travel Claims


The Chair advised Board Members to submit travel claims as soon as possible after each meeting and have them directed to Shawn Brace, Assistant Director, Finance.


6.7            Social Strategic Plan


The Chair advised that the Board needs a member representative to attend these meetings in addition to a representative of the Director.


Motion:            that Mr. Randy Edison be the representative from the board on this committee.  (Hounsell/Pritchett).  Carried.


Mr. McCormack will advise the Social Strategic Plan Committee of the name of  the board member representative.


6.8            Communication


§         The Director explained to Board Members some of the features of the website and the district web-based email system.

§         If a person or group of people would like to make a presentation to the Board, a request must be made in writing to the Director or Chair two weeks prior to the Board Meeting.

7.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 7 PM in Gander.


8.            Adjournment


Motion:            to adjourn the meeting at 10:14 PM.  (Pritchett/C. Brown).  Carried.



__________________________                                            _____________________

William Sceviour                                                           Florence Granville

Chair                                                                            Recorder

